Grease separator LipuMax-P-D extension stage 1
Product benefits
- For gully top designs for load class D 400, shaft has buoyancy safety up to the upper side of the shaft manhole cover without need for on-site concrete castings.
- Proven stability: 50 years
Product information
- Grease separator plant as per DIN EN 1825 and DIN 4040-100
- For underground installation
- Cleaning via shaft manhole cover
- Emptying via suction line DN 65 PN 10
- With PE couplings for two-sided thread connection 75/75 mm for suction line
- With fire hose quick coupling 75 B and 2½" blank cap
- Counter flange with fire hose quick coupling 75 B and 2½" blank cap
- Suitable top sections
Features of base version:
- Emptying and cleaning via maintenance opening
- Odour build-up during emptying and cleaning

Features of upgrade level 1:
- Connection for direct suction
- Odour build-up only during cleaning

Features of upgrade level 2:
- Connection for direct suction
- High pressure cleaning operated manually
- No odour build-up

Features of upgrade level 3:
- Connection for direct suction
- Completely automatic programme
- No odour build-up

Top sections standard for separators

Sampling shafts set 450

Sampling shafts body 800

Disposal shafts
Grease layer thickness measuring device
Suitable for
- Grease separator LipuMax-P for underground installation
- LipuLift-P
- For electronic measurement of layer of grease
- Suitable for liquid and/or congealing grease
- Measuring device with plug and used connecting cable, length: 3 m
- With two voltage-free changeover contacts to display full warning (100%) and advance warning of fill level (80%)
- With visual display of fill level for advance warning and full warning
- With heated probe rod to increase reliability of operation
- Operating voltage: 230 V/50 Hz
- Max consumption approx. 12W
- Cable length: 10 m
- Weight: 6.4 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Grease layer thickness measuring device
Suitable for
- Grease separator LipuMax-P for underground installation
- LipuLift-P
- For electronic measurement of layer of grease
- Suitable for liquid and/or congealing grease
- Measuring device with plug and used connecting cable, length: 3 m
- With two voltage-free changeover contacts to display full warning (100%) and advance warning of fill level (80%)
- With visual display of fill level for advance warning and full warning
- With heated probe rod to increase reliability of operation
- Operating voltage: 230 V/50 Hz
- Max consumption approx. 12W
- Cable length: 20 m
- Weight: 7.8 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Grease layer thickness measuring device
Suitable for
- Grease separator LipuMax-P for underground installation
- LipuLift-P
- For electronic measurement of layer of grease
- Suitable for liquid and/or congealing grease
- Measuring device with plug and used connecting cable, length: 3 m
- With two voltage-free changeover contacts to display full warning (100%) and advance warning of fill level (80%)
- With visual display of fill level for advance warning and full warning
- With heated probe rod to increase reliability of operation
- Operating voltage: 230 V/50 Hz
- Max consumption approx. 12W
- Cable length: 30 m
- Weight: 9.6 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Grease layer thickness measuring device
Suitable for
- Lipumax P
- For electronic measurement of the grease layer
- Suitable for liquid and/or solidifying greases
- Analyser with ready to plug-in connection cable, length: 3 m
- With two floating changeover contacts for indicating full signal (100 %) and prewarning of the fill state (80 %)
- With visual display of the level for prewarning and full signal
- With heated probe rod for increasing operating reliability
- Operating voltage: 230 V/50 Hz
- Max. consumption approx. 12 W
- Cable length: 10 m
- Weight: 2 kg
Grease layer thickness measuring device
Suitable for
- Lipumax P
- For electronic measurement of the grease layer
- Suitable for liquid and/or solidifying greases
- Analyser with ready to plug-in connection cable, length: 3 m
- With two floating changeover contacts for indicating full signal (100 %) and prewarning of the fill state (80 %)
- With visual display of the level for prewarning and full signal
- With heated probe rod for increasing operating reliability
- Operating voltage: 230 V/50 Hz
- Max. consumption approx. 12 W
- Cable length: 20 m
- Weight: 2.5 kg
Grease layer thickness measuring device
Suitable for
- Lipumax P
- For electronic measurement of the grease layer
- Suitable for liquid and/or solidifying greases
- Analyser with ready to plug-in connection cable, length: 3 m
- With two floating changeover contacts for indicating full signal (100 %) and prewarning of the fill state (80 %)
- With visual display of the level for prewarning and full signal
- With heated probe rod for increasing operating reliability
- Operating voltage: 230 V/50 Hz
- Max. consumption approx. 12 W
- Cable length: 30 m
- Weight: 3 kg
Connection box
Suitable for
- Grease separator
- Starch separators
- LipuLift-P-D/-DA/-DAP
- For disposal connection, pendulum gas line (if necessary) and remote control
- From stainless steel, material grade 304
- "Surface mounted” version
- Glass beaded front
- Lockable door, left limit stop
- Dimensions W x H x D: 300 x 725 x 160 mm
- Weight: 10 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
In-wall frame
Sampling device
Sampling device
Sealing sleeve DN/OD 110
In-wall frame
Road cap
Suitable for
- Version with direct extraction D
- Version for manual inner cleaning DM
- Version for automatic inner cleaning DA
- Manhole cover in accordance with DIN EN 124/DIN 1229
- Load class: A 15
- Frame and cover made of cast iron
- Diameter: 300 mm
- Clear width: 250 mm
- Overall height 100 mm
- To suction pipe DN 80 from Lipumax-P
- Consisting of:
- Short PE-HD connection line DN 65
- Storz coupling B
- Blank cover B
- Weight: 10 kg
Message system with GSM module
Suitable for
- All grease separators
- Grease layer thickness measuring device
- Pre-tank plants
- Technical processing systems
- Quatrix-K backflow preventer type 3F
- Sinkamat-K (underfloor) duo
- Muli lifting units
- Pumping stations
- Installation sets
- Parameter via app (Android & iOs)
- Mains-independent alarm via 12V lead-gel battery
- Optical and acoustic alarm message
- Freely configurable inputs
- 6 digital inputs with LED status display
- 1 analogue
- 1 alarm output 12 V
- Alarm forwarding via SMS to mobile phones
- For mounting outside the hazardous area
- Housing: 192 x 150(with cable gland) x 100 mm (WxHxD)
- Protective doctor: IP54
- Operating voltage: 230 V/AC 50/60 Hz
- Weight: 2 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 12
Connection cable antenna GSM
Connection box
In-wall frame
Storz coupling for swinging gas lines
Connection box
Suitable for
- Grease separators
- LipuMax-P-D/DM/DA
- Stach seperators FapuMax-P-DA
- Oil separators Coalisator-P
- LipuLift-P-D/-DA/-DAP
- For evacuation connection DN 80
- Made from stainless steel, material grade 304
- "On wall" version
- Door stop
- Choice of left or right
- Lockable door
- Dimensions (width x height x depth): 370 x 330 x 250 mm
- Weight: 10.4 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
In-wall frame
Sampling device
Suitable for
- Grease separator LipuMax-P for underground installation
- Light oil separator for underground installation
- Stach seperator FapuMax-P for underground installation
- Consisting of:
- Sampling pot with suction coupling
- Connection hose with suction coupling and connection gland
- Hose length: 3 m
- Weight: 3.4 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Support ring
Suitable for
- Grease separator LipuMax-P for underground installation
- Lipulift-P Serie
- Starch separator FapuMax-P for underground installation
- Made from concrete
- Diameter: 625 mm
- Thickness: 60 mm
- Without seal
- Displacement-proof
- Height
- 60 mm excluding mortar joints
- 70 mm including mortar joints
- Weight: 50 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Support ring
Suitable for
- Grease separator LipuMax-P for underground installation
- Lipulift-P Serie
- Starch separator FapuMax-P for underground installation
- Made from concrete
- Diameter: 625 mm
- Thickness: 80 mm
- Without seal
- Displacement-proof
- Height
- 80 mm excluding mortar joints
- 90 mm including mortar joints
- Weight: 60 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Support ring
Suitable for
- Grease separator LipuMax-P for underground installation
- Lipulift-P Serie
- Starch separator FapuMax-P for underground installation
- Made from concrete
- Diameter: 625 mm
- Thickness: 100 mm
- Without seal
- Displacement-proof
- Height
- 100 mm excluding mortar joints
- 110 mm including mortar joints
- Weight: 70 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
- Weight: 5.9 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Road cap
Suitable for
- Grease separator for underground installation
- LipuMax-P-D
- LipuMax-P-DM
- LipuMax-P-DA
- Stach separators FapuMax-P-DA for underground installation
- Oil separators Coalisator-P
- Shaft cover tested to DIN EN 124/DIN 1229
- Load class: A 15
- Frame and cover made of cast iron
- Diameter: 300 mm
- Clear width: 250 mm
- Weight: 9.8 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 1
Sealing sleeves DN 100 NBR
Washing hose 1 SN 10 – 150 DKO/DKO-L-90°
Suitable for
- Grease separator for underground installation
- LipuMax-P-DM
- LipuMax-P-DA
- Stach seperator FapuMax-P-DA for underground installation
- LipuLift-P-DA/-DAP
- To connect a high-pressure pump in the building and a high-pressure cleaning head in the grease separator
- Length: 10 m
- Weight: 10 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Washing hose 1 SN 10 – 150 DKO/DKO-L-90°
Suitable for
- Grease separator for underground installation
- LipuMax-P-DM
- LipuMax-P-DA
- Stach seperator FapuMax-P-DA for underground installation
- LipuLift-P-DA/-DAP
- To connect a high-pressure pump in the building and a high-pressure cleaning head in the grease separator
- Length: 20 m
- Weight: 10.3 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Washing hose 1 SN 10 – 150 DKO/DKO-L-90°
Suitable for
- Grease separator for underground installation
- LipuMax-P-DM
- LipuMax-P-DA
- Stach seperator FapuMax-P-DA for underground installation
- LipuLift-P-DA/-DAP
- To connect a high-pressure pump in the building and a high-pressure cleaning head in the grease separator
- Length: 30 m
- Weight: 19 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Cable feedthrough ND 100
Suitable for
- LipuMax-P-B / D and LipuLift-P/PF-B / D (In conjunction with an ACO grease layer measurement)
- LipuMax-P/PH-B/D
- Muli-Flex
- Material: V4A
- For simple and fast sealing of up to 5 cables
- Seal against pressurised water
- Interchangeable insert 2x5mm, 2x7mm, 2x16mm, 1x12mm, 1x14mm
- Weight: 1 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Operating Logbook
Suitable for
- Grease separator
- For underground installation
- For free-standing installation
- Contents: Check-list and standard forms to document in-house monitoring, maintenance and disposal relating to the plant as required by DIN 4040-100
- Format: A4 with double filing rings
- Size: 60 pages
- Laid out to cover 5 years
- Weight: 0.3 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11