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ACO BIM - data packages for Autodesk Revit

The following downloads contain the product range for the international market. You can register here to stay informed about future updates and ACO Building Drainage BIM related news.

Product Group

Autodesk Revit Version

Sanitary drainage
ACO ShowerDrain S+ _ shower channels (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO ShowerDrain C – shower channels (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO ShowerDrain – shower channels (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Grease Seperators (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Grease Seperator below ground – ACO LipuMax (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Grease Seperator with integ. pumping station below ground – ACO LipuLift (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Grease Seperator with integ. lifting plant – ACO LipuSmart (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Grease Separators – big design up to NS 60 (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Grease Separators – Lipator for partial disposal (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Free-standing kitchen separator (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Free-standing Oleopator-P and Oleolift-P (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Light-oil Separators – Coalisator-P (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Pumping and Lifting stations
ACO Lifting Plants (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Lifting Plant Muli Nova DDP (International)DownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Lifting Plant Muli-Flex (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO pumping station MuliMax (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO pumping station Powerlift (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Floor drainage
ACO hygienic gullies (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO hygienic box channels (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Floor Gullies and Compact Gullies - Variant-CR made of stainless steel (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Floor Gullies – Passavant made of cast iron (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Floor Gullies – EasyFlow made of plastic (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO cleaning stops/covers – Finor made of cast iron (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Roof and parking deck drainage
ACO Roof Gullies Variant-Flex – gravity and siphonic drainage made of stainless steel (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Roof Gullies Spin – gravity drainage made of stainless steel (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Roof Gullies Jet – siphonic drainage made of cast iron (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Parking Deck Gullies – Passavant made of cast iron (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Balcony Directgully – made of stainless steel (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO Kaskadenentwässerung – Flat duct (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Pipe systems
ACO GM-X – Pipesystem made of galvanized steel (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO GM-X – Compound Pipesystem made of galvanized steel (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
ACO PIPE – Pipesystem made of stainless steel (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Building Materials
ACO Access Covers (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Wall protection
ACO Kerb (International)DownloadDownloadDownloadDownload