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Product benefits

ACO pipe used toggether with other ACO drainage products provides complex building drainage solution:

  • Hygienic design following EN 1672, EN ISO 14159 and EHEDG document 8, 13 and 44
  • Resistant to thermal and dynamic shocks
  • Fast, reliable and cost-effective installation
  • Sagging-proof
  • Non-combustible
  • Rodent-proof

Product information

  • Stainless steel ACO pipe system is designed for gray and black water, rainwater and industrial waste water drainage applications
  • Suitable for both syphonic, vacuum and gravity drainage solutions
  • Double lip seal push-fit connection for easy and reliable installation
Used withWeightItem

DN 100-40025.00417070
Used withWeightItem

DN 100-40025.00 kg417070