Grease separator LipuMobil-P
Product benefits
- Suitable for flow rates up to 0.8 l/s
- Optional set of wheels for transportation
- Optional extraction valve for tank discharge
Product information
- Applications:
- Mobile snack bars
- Mobile dishwashers
- Occasional meal preparation
- For free-standing installation in frost-proof areas, odour-proof sealed, with removable cover and fastening ring
- Inlet and outlet DN 50 (OD 50 mm) for connection with fitting pipe systems
- Total volume: 48 liters
- Grease storage volume: 15 liters
- Sludge storage volume: 16 liters
- Optionally with grease storage tank from PE, mounted at the separator, with discharge pump, volume 10 liters
- German approval Z-54.6-546 (valid only in Germany)
- Type test report for flow rate (NS): 60143586-001
- Suitable for flow rates up to 0.8 l/s
Inlet valve DN 50
Suitable for
- LipuMobil-P 0,8
- Muli-Mini
- Made of PVC
- DN 50
- With sealing ring as per DIN EN 19538
- Weight: 0.4 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 12
Set of wheel
Suitable for
- LipuMobil-P 0,8
Set of wheel, consisting of four wheel, two of them with fastener for tank fixation
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Extraction valve
Suitable for
- LipuMobil-P 0,8
- Extraction valve of plastics for tank discharge
- Rabattgruppe: 11
Replacement drum
Suitable for
- Grease separators Lipator-P/Lipator-S
- LipuMobil-P 0,8
- Drum
- Volume: 60 l
- With lid and tension ring
- Height: approx. 630 mm
- Diameter: approx. 380 mm
- Weight: 5 kg
- Rabattgruppe: 11