ACO puts HygieneFirst at FoodTech!
Leading commercial drainage company ACO will be putting hygiene first at this year’s FoodTech exhibition with a series of activities designed to help visitors improve hygiene and operational efficiency in their food and drink manufacturing facilities.
Reflecting its committment to helping the food and beverage industry raise standards across every part of the hygienic drainage process, ACO will be hosting its first HygieneFirst Clinic, offering free on-site drainage assessments for show visitors and revealing the findings of its latest research project on hygienic design.
To be held on stand 9766 in Hall M on 2nd November from 2pm to 3pm, the HygieneFirst Clinic will give visitors a unique opportunity to talk to leading experts from the worlds of academia and industry about key issues they are facing, the benefits of hygienic design and a best practice approach to improving hygienic performance.
The results of ACO’s latest research project will also be available to stand visitors throughout FoodTech. Conducted by the renowned Fraunhofer Institute, the research demonstrates the impact which hygienic design has on the cleanability of drainage systems, overall operational efficiency and ongoing cleaning costs.
Stand visitors will be able to talk to ACO’s own expert team to obtain advice about their drainage projects and every visitor to the stand will be eligible for a free on-site drainage assessment.
To learn more visit ACO on stand 9766, Hall M